HATCH Podcast Series – Episode 23: City Dilemma: Renewal or Reinvention

In the fight to save humanity—to literally reweave and rework the underpinnings of our social and structural fabric—how far is too far? Many speak of hope, of community coming together and manifesting viable, regenerative solution after solution, emboldening innovators to rise up from the ashes of failed systems, to actualize the brilliant phoenix of tomorrow after the long dark night of the last several decades’ descent into mindless consumerism and industrialized madness. But what if it’s all just more of the same—pipe dreams and pansies—baby steps limping humanity and all else ever so slowly to a sad, avoidable end. With one shot, a moonshot no less, in the balance, what if it’s not enough? What if it’s one step forward and two steps back, still, and until there are no more steps to be had?
Our host, Tate Chamberlin continues passage down the Nile with esteemed guests—social activists and fellow HATCHers Stephen Brooks, Melissa Jun Rowley, and Elias Cattan—we discuss what it means to change the world.
Copy by Evil Red Pen
Photos by Yarrow Kraner & Stuart Robertson