PodcastEpisode 39: SupamanApsáalooke rapper Christian Parrish Takes the Gun, aka Supaman, was born in Seattle, Washington, but grew up in Crow Agency, […]Read more >
PodcastEpisode 38: Kimberly HeavyRunner LoringIn June of 2017, 21-year-old Ashley HeavyRunner Loring vanished from the Blackfeet Reservation in Browning, Montana. She took with her […]Read more >
Video2019 Innovate Montana Future of Work Event – Opening Presentation by SpecialFX and Keegan BowenThe mesmerizing presentation that opened the 2019 Innovate Montana Future of Work event – developed in partnership with the Montana […]Read more >
PodcastEpisode 37: Compassion vs. Practicality – Examining the Polarities of Social StewardshipApril 15, 2019 6:00pmOver the past decade, our nation’s political landscape has become progressively polarized, with each side finding increasing comfort in standing […]Read more >
Social IssuesThe Search for Ashley HeavyRunner LoringIn June of 2017, 21-year-old Ashley HeavyRunner Loring disappeared. While no stranger to darker moods and the questionable choices that […]Read more >
PodcastEpisode 36: Paul NachmanPaul Nachman is featured in this episode, examining the duality of Compassion Vs. Practicality. Paul grew up in the 50s […]Read more >
PodcastEpisode 35: Ed StafmanEd Stafman grew up in New York City, surrounded by diversity in the burrows of Brooklyn and Queens. After attending […]Read more >
EventThe Future of WorkOctober 16, 2019 6:00pmAs an increasing number of jobs are relegated to robotics, what is the future of work? Will employment become obsolete […]Read more >
PodcastEpisode 34: Father Gregory Smith – Pastor, CounselorGreg grew up in Twin Bridges, Montana, reading everything he could get his hands on. He realized early on in […]Read more >